Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I thought that was toys--Adalee

So I wake up to find out that my lovely daughter decided not to sleep very long last night. Instead she got into the first aid kit and tore, cut or used almost everything in there. Oh what fun it is to search carefully for all the medicine that was thrown out and count every piece to make sure that Conner did not eat it for candy, or to have the good pieces she left alone covered in ointment (along with what ever else she touched.)Hopefully I got all the little balls out of her bed, from the cold compress that she cut open, so she will sleep well tonight all because she thought they were toys. Oh the joys of motherhood.


Shannon said...

Stressful I am sure, but aren't you still a little proud that she was trying to read her Book of Mormon too? LOL!

ATH79 said...

Hi Marianne, it's Angie. I found your blog and have to say your kids are soooooo cute. I find it hilarious that your daughter did this. I'm always suprised by the amazing things kids think of.