Monday, October 13, 2008

Talmage's Baptism

We were hoping that the weather would hold out for this day so that we could have everyone outside for breakfast, but it didn't agree with us. Just like the day we brought him home from the hospital it was the first snow fall of the year.

It turned out to be a really nice day just to visit with the family. The baptism could have gone better. Our stake has 14 wards and trying to squeeze all of them in the morning made it a tight schedule. Our ward had 3 baptisms and it was the biggest group of family they have had yet, so when we all went down to the font it was very squishy in the room. There were so many kids piled in front some people didn't even get to see him be baptised. With his confirmation they didn't have a microphone so it was hard to hear, but to see the smile on T's face and feeling the spirit so strong made it be a great day. I had Shannon come and take pictures after because I am always the one taking them and not in them so here are some of those that had to leave.
After everyone came over for breakfast and visited for a while. Later that day Tim took Talmage to the BYU game to finish off his day. With the weather we were not able to get our outside shot of the family so this will have to do until spring. At least all the kids are in this one.
What really impressed me was on Sunday Talmage was very excited the whole sacrament meeting, very antsy to get up and bear his testimony. So simple and pure and very nervous to do so, but he did it. These are the days that make it all worth it!

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