Monday, November 17, 2008

Family Night

I found this cookie dough a while ago and we finally found a night to do it. It is sugar cookie dough that you color and make what ever kind of cookie you want. The kids had a blast trying to make different things. It started out really sticky so most of Talmages just got mixed together to make tie-dye balls, but we finally figured it out. Conner was just getting mad that he couldn't eat it.
Kaden did a sun, himself, and a frog(green), baseballs, and fruit-Talmage did a frog(orange and blue), snake, donut, and tie-dye balls. Adalee (and Tim) made the red chicken(that was supposed to be a dinosaur) dinosaur heads, bone, sun, Christmas tree, snake, the spider fish, sun, Christmas tree was mom and Conner.


Brooke said...

Looks like fun. I'll have to do that with my kids one night. Oh, we made the black bean brownies and everyone loved them.

Shannon said...

That is really cool! Where did you get such colorful dough?

I have been meaning to call you. Sorry I haven't yet, but I wanted to tell you that you really mean the world to me! When I heard that you and Susan had bought us that Diabetic's cookbook and made us meals out of it I couldn't stop crying! That was one of the most thoughtful things anyone could do for us! Thank you! Once again you have touched our lives! I love you!

lisa winnett said...

Marrianne, your family is so cute. What a fun family night! Lisa (Oviatt)