Thursday, November 27, 2008

Flu Season

It all started last Saturday with the big game and I woke up sick. I felt bad because we had planned to have the party at our house and we had to cancel-Sorry guys! It only lasted a day and then I was fine and everyone else seemed fine. Well Monday I get a call from the school that Kaden was sick so I picked him up. He had a fever, but other than that he was fine. By Tuesday he was fine and went back to school. It was my day to help with his class and as soon as I sat down the kids asked if I came to make sure he wouldn't get sick again. I assured them if he got sick I would take him home. I talked with his teacher and she said that he had acted fine and then all of the sudden he threw up all over her table and then sat there like nothing had happened. I apologized to her for that, it is bad enough having to clean up your own kids, let alone some one else...YUCK!! Well now it is Tim's turn and on Thanksgiving day! Of all the days to get the stomach flu it had to be the one eating day of the year. Now we just sit and wait to see if anyone else will get it.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Oh man! That really stinks. Tim will just have to enjoy the leftovers.