Thursday, November 6, 2008

Kaden's Tooth Pulling

So a month or two ago Kaden lost his tooth and I didn't think that it was loose, but he said it was. It looked like it was broken off not worn down so I thought he pull his tooth out just to have lost a tooth, but it was one that it could legitimately be lost. Well today he looses another tooth not one normally lost at first, Talmage just barely lost this one, and the root was huge so I still think that he is just pulling his teeth to have lost teeth. The one he did at first still doesn't have anything coming in underneath. I just don't understand why, it's not like the tooth fairy pays that good to do it for money. Just one of the things that you have to write down so you can tell them when they get older.


Shannon said...

That has got to hurt! The things kids do!

Jenny said...

Oh my gosh, that is the strangest thing I've ever heard! Ouch! very funny though. Maybe he can explain it to you when he's older. Maybe he's just really competitive!